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Live An Adventure

by David King

“Life can seem mundane, ordinary or awful – or it can be an adventure…” In this book David King, an international lecturer and a church leader for more than 30 years, is sharing his journey in faith in the hope of inspiring the reader to live a life of adventure in his or her own way, without letting the challenges and stumbling blocks of life deter them from their goals. “Whatever your adventure, I trust you will find helps, hints and concepts which progress you forward… most of all, I trust that my adventure will encourage you to explore Christ, His claims and His church, with a view to including these in your adventure. Remember, the best is yet to come!”

Published: January 2018
Pages: 244
ISBN: 978-1-86151-867-5
Size: 203 x 127
Price: £12.99
Format: Paperback

Available to buy at:
Barnes and Noble, Amazon.co.uk, Waterstones, Amazon.com, WH Smiths, Google Books